Game That Women Run Without Even Knowing It

Yesterday, I wrote about the game that men run without knowing it. And quite frankly, it was mostly a common sense list of ways men manage to make women swoon. If there’s one thing that should be taken from yesterday’s discussion its just how bad it can be out there for women that even the use of the word “conversate” could constitute game.


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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s so hard out here for the non-pimps that the ability to use actual words gets you into the back door. No Eddie Long. But here’s the thing, women run game on men ALL the time. Sure men have all these ways they do things to draw women in, but that same dude with good credit and exemplary writing skills could be the doofiest bumbaclot on the planet and dries up more panties than Bounty paper towels with a vapor lock and two hair dryers at a Dominican salon.

But women, oh women…the ball game is different. See women do most of the things that guys do (well the stability type stuff – credit, job, blahbittyblahblah) as a rule to ensure that they can be an indepedent woman since there are songs about it. And there is NOTHING worse than a woman up in the club who can’t throw her hands in the air when Webbie or Destiny’s Child starts talking about independent women. So chick innate game is different. In a way, chick game is merely things that men appreciate most about women. So consider this a woman appreciation post and penance for all the shenanigans that have pissed you off for the past few years.

Panama Jackson loves the ladies.


Glad you asked.

(By the way, looking good is the obvious choice here, so that won’t be on the list since it trumps any and every other form of game a woman can have. Face it, drunk and sloppy Halle Berry is still Halle Berry. She won’t be drunk forever.)

1) The ability to cook

And I don’t mean a woman who only cooks for her man, I mean a woman who is cooking even when her man isn’t there. A woman who doesn’t read the cookbook in order to make toast. Nowadays our values are all jacked up. A woman who can’t cook is kind of the norm. Basically, you lose no points if you can’t cook. But if you CAN, you automatically seem more appealing. Hook up a porkchop or a banging omelete and somehow, you seem like marriage material.

2) Have a great smile

I think if there was ever one theme that the Champ and I have focused on our 2+ years of existence its the smile of a woman and how much it indicates to us. And no (for all you who will undoubtedly say some dumb sh*t like , “I don’t want to look like a smiling clown all day”) you don’t have to smile all day everyday. I’m saying a great smile gives off the impression of a happy demeanor which goes so much further than a woman who looks like she bites trees for sport and eats children for snacks.

3) Have nice legs

Okay, so this kind of harkens back to looking good but there’s something about a woman with great legs that you notice from miles away. It’s game thru and thru. Shucks, men STILL remember Ki-Toy because of her stallion like legs and derriere. In fact, I’m about to take smoke break to remember her visually.


4) Have a sense of humor

Just like men, a woman with a great sense of humor ALWAYS stands out in a crowd. No matter HOW you folks read that post we wrote.

5) Ambition

For the most part we’re all young(ish) Black professionals here. If you spend enough time talking you’ll find out what everybody is doing with their lives because that’s what Black professionals like to do – talk about our “accomplishments”….and hand out business cards. Anyway, a woman who’s on the board of this or organizing this or making change where she can draws a man in because men like to be close to energy that is thriving. Plus, it let’s us know that you’re not a woman who’s just meandering through life because she was born but doing something with her time. Just like men need to be about something, a woman who is is all the more appealing and it pulls us right into it.

Unless of course, he’s intimidated.


Anyway, ladies, what are other forms of game that you’ve run and didn’t even realize it until a man told you? And brothas, let’s chime in here and let the women know how we’ve been gamed. It’s always good to show the ladies some love from time to time.


Oh and by the way, fellas, THAT is how you pander properly.

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